Adrienne Sloane: Knit anything: Not clothing

Title: Knit anything: Not clothingDSC_0847
Instructor: DSC_0849 Adrienne SloaneDSC_0837
Workshop Duration: Three Day
Date: Friday 16, Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 October, 2015
Location: Marine Station Library, Bonne Bay
Develop a personal language of forms by experimenting with knitting fundamentals to uncover the enormous possibilities of working with knit three dimensionally. By manipulating stitches and solving knitting geometry, participants will learn to ‘think knit’. The class will explore the use of non-traditional materials and cover a range of techniques to help create shape and stability when working in three dimensions. Your new knitting vocabulary can be applied to sculptural or wearable creations. This is a process-oriented workshop with time devoted to making samples and experiments as you learn each technique or concept.  Participants must be proficient in basic knitting techniques; knowledge of crochet is also helpful.
This class is geared towards students with strong fundamental knitting skills who want to escape the tyranny of pattern knitting  Students should be prepared to learn to think about knitting in a whole new way as they learn to problem solve structural dilemmas while gaining a greater appreciation of knitting as an art form.

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 a sloane portrait Adrienne Sloane

Sloane has shown her work nationally for over 20 years.  A hand and machine knitter, she also teaches sculptural fiber internationally and has worked with indigenous knitters in Bolivia and Peru.
Her work has been published in Fiber Art Now, Fiberarts, American Craft, the Surface Design Journal, The Culture of Knitting and is profiled in Knitting Art.  Sloane has work in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Goldstein Museum of Design, The American Textile History Museum and the Kamm Collection.  Sloane’s curatorial work includes Beyond Knitting and Primary Structures at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles and Metaphoric Fibers in Minneapolis.